He was born into a middle class family and later thought to be an underachiever. He was curious and was comfortable being alone. Each day as he sat in the company of his classmates, his teachers were clueless that this young man— Albert Einstein—would one day be regarded as the greatest scientist of the 20th century. Einstein had to overcome many obstacles as a youngster, but he stayed true to himself, believing in himself, and listening to his inner voice that challenged him to triumph over his circumstances. So can you!
Now is your chance to believe again and to pursue the dreams that you once held as your resolve. It’s not too late—it’s never too late—to live the life that is ordered by your purpose. Remember, there is nothing you can’t do! Believe in the champion that resides within you. Don’t give up and don’t you quit! Overcomers press on knowing that one day they will win!
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